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In-Situ Mechanics Of Materials
A new book titled In- situ Mechanics of Materials is set to be released by Springer International Publishing house in the month of July. The book is based on a rapidly evolving mechanical measurement approach, which relies on real-time imaging of material deformation and failure. The first comprehensive book on the subject, the authors envision this book will be useful to the researchers working on the frontiers of properties and technological applications. Catering to a generation of students that appreciates videos as a didactic tool, this book contains numerous videos to supplement problems, solutions, and case studies.Pranjal Nautiyal, Benjamin Boesl, Arvind Agarwal
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Carbon Nanotubes: Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites
From the Foreword, written by legendary nano pioneer M. Meyyappan, Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, USA: “…there is critical need for a book to summarize the status of the field but more importantly to lay out the principles behind the technology. This is what Professor Arvind Agarwal and his co-workers … have done here.“ Carbon Nanotubes: Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites reflects the authors’ desire to share the benefits of nanotechnology with the masses by developing metal matrix carbon nanotube (MM-CNT) composites for large-scale applications. Multiwall carbon nanotubes can now be produced on a large scale and at a significantly reduced cost. The book explores potential applications and applies the author’s own research to highlight critical developmental issues for different MM-CNT composites—and then outline novel solutions.Arvind Agarwal, Debrupa Lahiri, Srinivasa Rao Bakshi
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Biosurfaces: A Materials Science and Engineering Perspective
A multidisciplinary approach that elucidates contrasting requirements of materials in their interfaces with the biological environment Biomaterials can generally be produced either in nature or synthesized in the laboratory using a variety of chemical approaches utilizing metallic components or ceramics. They are used every day in dental applications, surgery, and drug delivery in which they perform, augment, or replace a natural function. Taking into account the complex interactions that occur at the interface when a synthetic material is inserted into a living system, Biosurfaces: A Materials Science and Engineering Perspective aims to gear students, scientists, researchers and other experts in the field with the tools to design effective biomaterials.Kantesh Balani, Vivek Verma, Arvind Agarwal, Roger Narayan